◊ Reclamation Dam safety training and experience
◊ Trained in Safety Evaluation of Existing Dams (SEED)
◊ Best Practices in Dam and Levee Safety Risk Analysis
◊ Department of Interior Dam Safety practices
◊ Geological engineering as applied to dam foundations
◊ Applied broad range of engineering applications towards dam safety, including:
Dam Operations
Spillway hydraulics
Outlet works hydraulics
Risk Analysis
Geological Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Population at risk
Flood Control
Inundation Area Analysis

Design and Construction
◊ Linear Flood Control Facilities
◊ Detention Basins
◊ Dams
◊ Weirs
◊ Canals
◊ Sanitary Sewer Systems
◊ Water Distribution Systems
◊ Water Wells
◊ Foundation Analysis and Design
◊ Geological Engineering
◊ Geotechnical Engineering
◊ Public Works
◊ Land Development
◊ Project Management
◊ AutoCAD
◊ Specifications
◊ Bid Tabulations
◊ Construction support

◊ Oil well log interpretation
◊ Oil well hydraulics
◊ Solar site and grading plans
◊ Data interpretation
◊ GIS support
◊ Hydroelectric Facility Management
◊ Hydroelectric power generation
◊ Alternative energy design
◊ Solar energy
◊ Wind energy

Expert Witness
◊ Flooding
◊ Floodplain Management
◊ Drainage
◊ Surface Water Hydrology
◊ Hydraulic Structures
◊ Grading
◊ Erosion
◊ Permitting

◊ ArcGIS Desktop
◊ ArcGIS Online
◊ 3D Analyst
◊ Spatial Analyst
◊ Data Collection
◊ Data Management
◊ Data Interpretation
◊ Applied Watershed Analysis
◊ Imagery Management
◊ Digital Elevation Models
◊ Terrain Development
◊ Global Positioning Systems
◊ Layouts
◊ Exhibits

◊ Numerical Modeling (MODFLOW)
Groundwater Vistas ©
Leapfrog ©
◊ Hydrogeologic Conceptual Models
◊ Integrated Water Resources
◊ Fate of Contaminants in the Subsurface
◊ Water Quality
◊ Well log interpretation
◊ Fence diagrams
◊ Water Well Design
◊ Data Management
◊ Geographic Information Systems

◊ sUAV (small Unmanned Aerial Systems)
◊ Image Interpretation
◊ Data Collection
◊ Aerial Photography
◊ Videography
◊ Change Management
◊ Resource Management
◊ Pix4D©
◊ Photoscan©
◊ DJI Flightplanner©
◊ Litchi Mission Planning©
◊ FAA Licensed Pilot
◊ Coordination with licensed land surveyor
◊ Colorado River Operations
Stakeholder Engagement
Federal , State, Local, Tribal, and International Coordination
Water Supply Research
Coordinated Operations
Annual Operating Plans
Short Term Operations (Hourly, Daily, Weekly)
Mid-term Operations (Monthly)
◊ Water Operations
◊ Water Supply
◊ Water Demand
◊ Forecasting
◊ Climate Change
◊ Drought Management
◊ Flood Control
◊ Power Generation

◊ Numerical Modeling
HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph Package
Inundation Area Analysis
◊ Watershed Restoration
◊ Watershed Management
◊ Floodplain Management
◊ Flood Control
◊ Fluvial Systems
◊ Fluvial Geomorphology
◊ Alluvial Systems
◊ Alluvial Geomorphology
◊ Data Management
◊ Geographic Information Systems
◊ Phase 1 Environmental Assessments
◊ Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans